Aiki, the first of the studio sprites to make itself known; is a DoubtEater, whose unconditional loving gaze embodies the joyful Creative Spirit, and dispels all doubt in the face of the Void of the blank canvas.
It's said that you can whisper into its ears an offering of your deepest held creative fears, doubts, self-criticisms, etc... and that you'll always be met with a wonderous, unwavering and loving gaze radiating compassion for your fears, and sparkling with a glimmer that flows from the Creative Spirit. With the gentle giggling-like sounds of the rustling and fluttering of its shimmering irridescent plumes, Aiki takes the sounds of your doubts in one ear and joyfully shakes them out the other, as if nothing, no more weighty than the last few drops of a warm summer rain. Aiki playfully flits, nudges, and nestles the spaces around your head, heart and hands, reassuring you with an offering of the gift of an ever new moment within which you too can embody the Creative Spirit.....
Aiki spirit: unconditional unlimited, copyright free!
Image: copyright 2009 b. scott shaevel | studio712; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.